Monday, October 29, 2007

It's NOT Easy to Make Money Online !!!

OK - So I fell for it TWICE. I can be a little gullilble sometimes - it's true. And, I'm a Sales Person by nature and you know what they always say - that Sales People are the easiest targets. So... I believed the nonesense and the hype and joined the Home Based Business movement. All of us like-minded individuals who for a multitude of reasons want to Make Money from Home. But if you think about it - who wouldn't?

The first mistake was buying into a program that promoted a completely automated system - they actually said that you would only have to work "minutes" a day. Well, I'm smart enough not to believe that and thought - what would happen if I rolled up my sleeves, took some training and then used my direct marketing background to set the world on fire !?!?

I was so jazzed you had to peel me off the ceiling. I had my own business, I was my own boss, I was calling my own shots, I was willing to work hard and I was going to make a boat-load of money.

To be continued ...

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